Happy New Year's, friends!
It's funny, I have sat down several times to write my decade in review and all of those times I have deleted my writing and started over. The last couple of weeks I have been super reflective and introspective and thought I would share all that has happened in the last 10 years. As I wrote and then deleted, I realized that so many amazing things happened and also many things that I definitely want closure on so I can move on.
Photo by: Bella Foto (Michelle Strawford)
The Coles Notes version is that I was able to travel a lot, through dance and personal vacations, saw a lot of concerts, opened and closed our storefront , moved several times and had some major health issues that affected all of the previous things listed. It was a full decade and I am grateful for that!
It was a decade of learning who I am as a person, realizing that my strength is unwavering and I am so fortunate to be surrounded by people that love and support me. I found out that things don't always go as you plan them to go but can still have a great outcome if you are able to adjust your sails so to speak. I realized that your health is everything and without that, you have nothing. The idea that as women, we can do anything we want if we work hard and believe in ourselves is a true statement. An idea that I have tried to model for my own daughter and other women that are watching.
I think that is why I am so excited for the next decade and especially 2020 as a year. Finally, I feel like I have my shit together and am going in the direction that I want for myself personally and as a brand. It feels like it has taken a lifetime or at least a decade to get to this point!
I want this next decade to be filled with all of the things I love; travel, concerts, family & friends, scaling my jewelry business to a comfortable size and really, anything else that I choose to do that brings me joy.
Photo by Me! Ten years later, we live in the world of selfies (cringe) and iPhones that take 99% of all photos on the internet.
And So The Adventure Begins!
Thank you for your part in my journey, it does not go unappreciated! I am curious...what do the next TEN years hold for you? Drop it in the comments below, I would love to hear from you!